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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in English Grammar by (46.3k points)
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Choose the correct passive form for the following sentences in active voice.

1. I did not beat her. 

(a) She is not beaten by me. 

(b) She has not beaten by me. 

(c) She was not beaten by me.

2. I will never forget this experience. 

(a) This experience is not forgotten by me. 

(b) This experience would never be forgotten by me. 

(c) This experience will never be forgotten by me.

3. Mother made a cake yesterday. 

(a) A cake made by mother yesterday. 

(b) A cake is made by mother yesterday,

(c) A cake was made by mother yesterday

4. The boy congratulated the girl. 

(a) The girl was congratulated by the boy. 

(b) The girl had congratulated by the boy. 

(c) The girl congratulated the boy.

5. Did she do her duty? 

(a) Was she done her duty?

(b) Was her duty done by her? 

(c) Had her duty done by her?

6. The tiger was chasing the deer. 

(a) The deer was chased by the tiger.

(b) The deer was being chased by the tiger, 

(c) The deer had chased by the tiger.

7. She has written a novel. 

(a) A novel has written by her. 

(b) A novel has been written by her. 

(c) A novel had written by her

8. She has learned her lessons. 

(a) Her lessons has learned by her. 

(b) Her lessons have been learned by her. 

(c) Her lessons had been learned by her.

9.  Have you finished the report? 

(a) Has the report finished by you? 

(b) Has the report been finished by you? 

(c) Had the report been finished by you?

10. The police have caught the thief. 

(a) The thief has been caught by the police. 

(b) The thief was caught by the police. 

(c) The thief had been caught by the police.

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (48.0k points)
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Best answer

1. (c) She was not beaten by me.

2. (c) This experience will never be forgotten by me.

3. (c) A cake was made by mother yesterday

4. (a) The girl was congratulated by the boy.

5. (b) Was her duty done by her?

6. (b) The deer was being closed by the tiger

7. (b) A novel has been written by her

8. (b) Her lessons have been learned by her.

9. (b) Has the report been finished by you?

10. (a) The thief has been caught b– police,

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