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in The Price of Flowers by (32.9k points)
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“When I go to that part of the country, I shall visit your brother’s grave and write to you. ’ A few weeks after the narrator’s departure, Maggie receives a letter from him. What might be the content of the letter? Draft the letter, assuming that you are the narrator?

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by (30.7k points)
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Fort Monroe 


Noth-west Frontier

India, PIN 600-002 

2 January 1946

Dear Maggie,

I’m sorry that I could not write to you earlier because I was busy with the an Service training and the formalities connected with it. I hope you and your mother are fine. I am okay here. I am trying to cope with my new responsibilities.

I went to Fort Monroe, near Dera-GhaziKhan to visit your brother’s grave. As desired by you, I placed some beautiful rose flowers on his grave. When I was standing there I thought of you and your mother and imagined how you must have felt when you heard about Franks’ untimely death. I met two soldiers from the Regiment to which Frank belonged and they told me what a fine lad Frank was. They also told me that he often talked to them about you and your mother. In fact he had bought some Indian clothes to give both of you when he returned home.

But destiny sometimes plays cruel jokes. I feel extremely sorry that you lost such a fine brother and your mother such a marvelous son. I pray for his soul. May his soul rest in peace!

Please greet your mother on my behalf. The cake she gave me was delicious.

I keep remembering you and I speak about you to my friends. When I visit England next time, I will definitely come and see you people.

With lots of love, 

Yours lovingly, (Gupta Narain)

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