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in Going Out for a Walk by (30.7k points)
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“Satisfaction, self-sufficiency and piety are the characteristics of a happy life.’’ Do you agree? Keeping in mind all the texts that you have read in this unit, prepare an essay on your idea of a happy life

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by (32.9k points)
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Happiness differs from person to person. That is why we say ‘One man’s meat is another man’s poison’ and ‘One man’s religion is another man’s madness’. Happiness, like beauty, is non-definable in precise terms. Still, there are some common ingredients, some characteristics that constitute a happy life. I definitely agree with the view that satisfaction, self-sufficiency and piety are some of the characteristic. Satisfaction comes when our desires are fulfilled. Desires are of various kinds. Some love adventure. Climbing the Himalayas, swimming across seas, flying into space, etc. are things some people enjoy and such things give them great satisfaction. For some satisfaction comes when they behold things of beauty. Sights, sounds and movements of nature and even people make them happy and satisfied. Standing on a hill and watching the sunset might satisfy the lovers of nature. Walking through the forest, watching the wild life might be a thrilling experience to some.

Self-sufficiency is an important characteristic of a happy life. If a person does not have the essential requirements like food, dress and shelter, he can’t be happy. He should have self-sufficiency in these matters. Depending on others for our needs is demeaning especially for an adult. Even birds and animals train their young to be self-sufficient when they grow up.

Piety is another important characteristic of a happy life. Piety does not mean mere religious piety. Piety also includes the love  and respect for our parents, elders, teachers, brethren, relatives, neighbours and people at large. We saw that piety of Mahatma Gandhi did not limit itself to some rituals and religious worship. His piety went much beyond that. A real pious man will also think of the welfare of his fellow beings. He will not do anything that brings pain and sorrow to others because he feels that all human beings are the children of the same God. “Ishwar”, “Allah” and “God” are synonyms of that Great Power that created us and that nourishes us.

There are many more characteristics of a happy life, but satisfaction, .self-sufficiency and piety seem to be most important. Once we have all these we definitely will be happy people.

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