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in Going Out for a Walk by (30.8k points)
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write the Summary of Going Out for a Walk.

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by (32.9k points)
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have not gone out for a walk all my life. But I have been taken out for wal for t nostalgic for the old days when I had a perambulator. When I grew up I felt that one advantage of living in London was that nobody ever wanted me to come out for a walk. The endless noise and hustle of London, its smoky air and its squalor were unsuitable for walks.

When I was in the country and if there was no actual rain somebody might come any time and ask me to go out for a walk with him. People think there is something noble and virtuous in the wish to go for a walk. A person with such a desire feels that he has a right to impose his will on somebody sitting in an armchair and reading and ask him to accompany him. It is easy to say ‘No’ to an old friend. In the case of a mere acquaintance, one wants some excuse like ‘I wish I could, but …’. I always

have just one excuse: “I have some letters to write.” This excuse is unsatisfactory in three ways: i) it is not believed; ii) it forces you to rise from your chair, go to the writing table and pretend to be writing a letter until the walk monger, who does not dare to call you a liar and a hypocrite, goes out of the room; iii) it won’t work on Sunday mornings. There is no post out till this evening’, the walk monger will tell you and you will have to go with him quietly.

Walking for walking’s sake may be laudable and exemplary for those who practise it. My objection to it is that it stops the brain. Some people have told me that their brains work well when they walk along the high road or over hill and valley. Experience tells me that a person’s power to instruct or to amuse when he is sitting on a chair or standing on a hearth-rug leaves him when he takes one out for a walk. Plenty of ideas come to him when he is in a room. But

when he is out for a walk all those ideas evaporate. His encyclopaedic knowledge goes away. His imagination dries up. The man’s face becomes hard. Light goes from his fine eyes. He says that A (our host) is a thoroughly good fellow. Fifty yards further on, he adds that A is one of the best fellows he has ever met. We go for another furlong and then he says that Mrs. A is a charming woman. Then he adds that she is one of the most charming women he has ever known.

We pass an inn. He reads quickly to me, “The King’s Arms. Licensed to sell Ales and Spirits’. I foresee that during the rest of the walk he will read aloud any description that occurs. We see a milestone. He points to it with his stick and says, ‘Uxminster. 11 miles.’ We turn a sharp corner at the foot of a hill. He points at the wall and reads, ‘Drive Slowly’. Far ahead there is a small notice board. He sees it. He looks at it carefully and in due course he We pass an inn. He reads quickly to me, “The King’s Arms. Licensed to sell Ales and Spirits’. I foresee that during the rest of the walk he will read aloud any description that occurs. We see a milestone. He points to it with his stick and says, ‘Uxminster. 11 miles.’ We turn a sharp corner at the foot of a hill. He points at the wall and reads, ‘Drive Slowly’. Far ahead there is a small notice-board. He sees it. He looks at it carefully and in due course he says, Trespassers will be prosecuted.’ Poor man – he has become a mental wreck.

Luncheon at the A.S, brings his mind back. Once again he is the life and soul of the party. I think he will never go out for another walk after the bitter lesson of this morning. But an hour later I see him walking with a new companion. I watch him out of sight. I know what he is saying. He is saying that I am a rather dull man to go for a walk with. He will then say I am one of the dullest men he ever went for a walk with. Then he will start reading the inscriptions.

It is surprising how this deterioration happens in those who go for walking for walking’s sake. A man is not urged by his reasoning faculties to go for a walk. He is urged by something that surpasses reason, by his soul. His soul tells his body ‘Quick march!’ The brain then says, ‘Halt! Stand at ease!’ and sweetly asks the soul ‘To what destination and on what mission are you sending the body?’ The soul replies saying that ‘On no mission at all and to no destination’

People are always on the lookout for some Ulterior motive. The body goes out because it is a sure indication of nobility, probity and rugged grandeur of character. But the brain says it won’t be mixed up with the foolishness of the body and it would go to sleep till the walk is over. It will wake up again only when the body is safely placed inside the house.

Even if you go to some definite place, for a definite purpose, the brain wants you to take a vehicle. It does not insist on that and it will serve you well unless you are going out for a walk. While your legs are competing with each other, the brain will not do any thinking for you, but it will do any number of odd jobs for you. Even this the brain will do only if it is sure that the legs are making themselves useful and not merely fooling you about to gratify the pride of the soul.

This essay was composed in the course of a walk this morning. I do not take a vehicle to every destination. I never go out of my way to avoid exercise. I don’t despise the exercise of a walk because the sickly people are always talking about it or practising it to excess. I think in moderation it is good, physically. I will never go out for a walk until no people want me to see them or there is nothing for me to do in my own premises.

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