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in Biology by (18.3k points)
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Describe the bones of pectoral girdle.

2 Answers

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by (18.7k points)
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Pectoral girdle is called as shoulder girdle. It attaches forelimb skeleton with axial skeleton. There are two pectoral girdles, each consists of a shoulder blade or scapula and collar bone or clavicle.

i. Clavicle: 

1. It is a ‘S’ shaped slender bone. 

2. One end of clavicle is attached to acromion process of scapula. The other rounded end called sternal end attaches to manubrium of sternum. 

3. This connects upper arm skeleton to axial skeleton. 

ii. Scapula: 

1. It is a large, flat, triangular bone that occupies posterior chest wall extending from 2nd to 7th ribs. 

2. It is attached to axial skeleton by muscles and tendons. 

3. Scapula bears a concave socket called glenoid cavity at its lateral angle. 

4. Head of humerus (the upper arm bone) fits into the glenoid cavity.

5. A beak like coracoid process projects from lateral angle of scapula and acromion process arise from scapula. They can be easily felt as high point of shoulder. Both the processes are meant for attachment of muscles.

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by (923 points)
The pectoral girdle consists of the two bones that make up your shoulder:

clavicle, or collarbone
scapula, or shoulder blade
Your pectoral girdles are responsible for providing structural support to your shoulder region on the left and right side of your body. They also allow for a large range of motion, connecting muscles necessary for shoulder and arm movement.

The pectoral girdles on either side of your body aren’t joined together. This allows for your shoulder and arms to move and function independently.

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