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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Geography by (39.1k points)
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Read the following paragraph and write your comments. 

" Most scientists from around the world agree on this much: AGW (Anthropogenic Global Warming; anthropogenic means caused by humans) is real, it is happening, and it is leading to rapid and drastic climate change. They warn that severe weather and other changes will increase in the coming years and threaten life as we know it. "

1 Answer

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by (36.9k points)
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Global warming: 

It refers to an unequivocal and continuing rise in the average temperature of Earth’s climate system. 

Human activities contributing to global warming:

1. Human activities contribute to climate change by causing changes in Earth’s atmosphere in the amount of greenhouse gases, aerosols and cloud liness. 

2. The largest known contribution comes from the burning of fossil fuels, which releases carbon dioxide gas to the atmosphere. 

3. Greenhouse gases and aerosols effect climate by altering incoming solar radiation and out going infrared radiation that are part of Earth’s energy balance. 

4. Due to industrial revolution, industrial pollution increases day by day. 

5. Increasing of over population and using of power driven vehicles. 

6. New methods of agricultural practices.

7. Mining, the establishment of nuclear power plants and reckless deforestation, etc. 

Evil effects of global warming: 

1. The earlier changes of cooling and warming are more rapid and leading to catastrophic changes. 

2. If the climate is raised by 2° C, it leads to one meter raise in the sea levels. 

3. The faster melting of Himalayan glaciers would disturb the livelihood of fisher folk. 

Measures to minimize the influence of the global warming: 

1. Afforestation 

2. Reduction of burning of fossil fuels. 

3. Instead of coal use of solar energy to be encouraged.

4. Reduction in the use of vehicles and encouragement of public transport system. 

5. Release of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere should be reduced.

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