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in Economics by (73.6k points)
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Discuss the characteristics of an ideal questionnaire.

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by (70.4k points)
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There are no stipulated norms or set rules for preparing a good questionnaire. A well designed questionnaire is known as an ideal questionnaire. Some characteristics of an ideal questionnaire are as follows:

1. Title:
An appropriate title indicating towards the object or purpose of the research should be given to the questionnaire. It should be so chosen that the respondent does not get any suspicion or dilemma in his mind about the questionnaire or its purpose.

2. Number of questions:
The number of questions in the questionnaire should be sufficient and consistent with the purpose of the inquiry. The fewer number of questions have greater chance of getting better response from the respondent.

3. Order of questions:
The order of questions should be logical so that the respondent can answer the questions quickly and spontaneously without looking back and forth at the questionnaire for reference.

4. Language of questions:
The language of questions should be simple. It should not be ambiguous, elumsy and dual in meaning.

5. Length of questions:
Questions having answers YES / NO or multiple alternative should be asked. They should also be short and clear. Very long questions or answers create boredom among the respondents and hence it is possible that correct information may not be obtained.

6. Time:
Questions concerning remote past should be avoided. Questions leading to sharpening the memory should also be avoided.

7. Confidentiality:
Asking questions concerning the personal life of the respondent should be avoided. If such questions are unavoidable, they should be framed with caution and also a guarantee must be given that they will be kept confidential.

8. Trial:
After preparing the questionnaire, it should be executed on a trial basis to check how practical it is. If required, the questions should be changed to make the questionnaire perfect.

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