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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in English Grammar by (39.0k points)
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Given below is a dialogue between two friends discussing their classmates. Complete their dialogue by filling in the spaces with appropriate options from those given below.

Ruma : These days Javed is seen more (a) ___________ than in the classroom. What is he up to ?

Lekha : He is representing our school in the forthcoming ‘Inter State Junior Tennis Tournament’ scheduled next month so he (b) ___________ daily to improve his skills and stamina.

Ruma : Oh ! And what about Seema ? She too (c) ___________ five days now. Have you heard from her ?

Lekha : She is down with severe cold, cough and high fever. Last evening when I called her up (d) ___________, she told me that the doctor had advised her at least ten days bed rest.

Ruma : She must be really bored sitting at home. She has never liked the idea of sitting indoors.

(a) (i) on the field
(ii) in the field
(iii) at the field
(iv) out of the field

(b) (i) spent most of his time in the practice
(ii) is spending most of his time practicing
(iii) has been spending most of the time for practice
(iv) has spent most of his time in practice

(c) (i) have been absent for more than
(ii) is being absent for more than
(iii) has been absent for more than
(iv) was absent for more than

(d) (i) for found out why she had not been coming to school
(ii) to find out why she is not coming to school
(iii) to finding out why she is not been coming to school
(iv) for find out why she has not been coming to school

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (39.4k points)
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Best answer

(a) (i) on the field

(b) (ii) is spending most of his time practicing

(c) (iii) has been absent for more than

(d) (ii) to find out why she is not coming to school

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