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Bhastrika Pranayama.

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by (44.8k points)
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The word Bhastrika has been taken from a Sanskrit word ‘bhastra’ which means a pair of ‘bellows’. In this pranayama, the action of a bhastra or bellows are imitated. In this pranayama, inhalation and exhalation are done forcefully in rapid succession. Just as a blacksmith blows in and out the bellows forcefully in rapid succession, dilating and contracting it, similarly breath is taken in and out by dilating and contracting the stomach in forced and rapid succession.

Let us perform Bhastrika Pranayama by following the steps given below:

1. Sit in Padmasana, Ardhapadmasana or in any other meditative posture. Keep the body erect. 

2. Slowly inhale through the nostrils. 

3. Then exhale quickly and forcefully through the nostrils. 

4. Immediately inhale with force. 

5. Continue this forceful rapid exhalation and inhalation counting up to ten breaths. 

6. At the end of the tenth breath, the final exhalation is followed by a deep inhalation and slow exhalation. This is one round of Bhastrika pranayama. 

7. Take few normal breaths after this round before starting another round. 

8. Complete three rounds of Bhastrika pranayama. 

9. There may be variations in the technique of Bhastrika pranayama.

Remember the following points:

Dos Don’ts
Sit straight and open the chest for proper strokes. Do not go beyond the capacity.
Lungs, diaphragm and stomach should move with each inhalation and exhalation. Chest and shoulders should not move.
Bhastrika pranayama should be performed after asana and nadishodhana pranayama. Do not practise it in extremely hot conditions.


  • It increases gastric fire and improves appetite. 
  • It destroys phlegm. 
  • It is beneficial in case of asthma. 


  • Bhastrika pranayama should not be practised during ear infection. Person suffering from heart problems, high blood pressure, vertigo, stomach ulcers should not practise this pranayama.

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asked Nov 25, 2023 in General by Eshwarojha (44.9k points)

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