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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Business Studies by (50.9k points)
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The G20 Summit was organised in India. The government left no stone unturned to make G20 summit a success.

At the higher level, the work to be performed was identified and grouped to enable people to work most effectively together for accomplishing objectives. This involved building infrastructure, beautification of the city, hospitality, security arrangements etc. Duties were assigned to different job positions which led to establishment of clear relationships. This helped in creating a hierarchical structure and in co-ordination amongst all working for the summit.

(a) Identify and explain the function of management discussed in the above para.

(b) Explain any four points of importance of the function identified in (a) above.

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by (48.4k points)
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(a) The function of management discussed in the above paragraph is "Organizing."

Organizing is the process of arranging resources and tasks to achieve organizational objectives effectively. It involves identifying and grouping activities, assigning tasks, establishing relationships, and creating a formal structure to facilitate coordination and cooperation among individuals and departments.

In the context of the G20 Summit organization, organizing involved identifying the various tasks and activities required to ensure the success of the summit, such as building infrastructure, beautification of the city, hospitality arrangements, and security measures. These tasks were grouped and assigned to different job positions, leading to the establishment of clear roles, responsibilities, and relationships. This helped in creating a hierarchical structure and ensuring coordination among all the individuals and departments working towards the summit's objectives.

(b) Points of importance of the organizing function:

  1. Clarity of Roles and Responsibilities: Organizing helps clarify roles and responsibilities by assigning specific tasks and duties to individuals and departments. This clarity ensures that everyone understands their role in achieving organizational objectives, minimizing confusion and duplication of efforts.

  2. Optimal Resource Utilization: Organizing ensures that resources, such as human, financial, and physical resources, are allocated efficiently and effectively to achieve organizational goals. By identifying and grouping tasks, organizing helps optimize resource utilization and minimize wastage.

  3. Coordination and Cooperation: Organizing facilitates coordination and cooperation among individuals and departments by establishing clear relationships and communication channels. A well-organized structure promotes collaboration and synergy, enabling individuals and departments to work together harmoniously towards common goals.

  4. Flexibility and Adaptability: Organizing allows for flexibility and adaptability in response to changing internal and external environments. As circumstances evolve, organizing enables organizations to adjust their structure, processes, and resources to address new challenges and opportunities, ensuring resilience and agility in achieving objectives.

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