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in English Grammar by (43.7k points)
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Look at the text below. The sentences have been jumbled up. Write them in order out to produce a complete paragraph. The first sentence has been given to help you.

(a) To conclude, like many things in life it is up to the individual to use TV wisely or to abuse it and become its slave.
(b) By contrast, those who attack TV state that it makes people lazy by doing everything for them.
(c) Television is here to stay.
(d) In other words, it stifles rather than stimulates the imagination.
(e) Defenders of TV say that it is a wonderful source of information about things we can never hope to see or do in person.
(f) Moreover, they say it makes topics interesting which would otherwise be boring and difficult in books.
(g) However, is it a boon or a curse?
(h) In fact, it has become an indispensable part of our lives.

Television is here to stay. _______________________
What helped you to put the sentence back in the correct order?

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (41.2k points)
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Best answer

Television is here to stay. It has become an indispensable part of our lives. However, is it a boon or a curse? Defenders of TV say that it is a wonderful source of information about things we can never hope to see or do in person. Moreover, they say it makes topics interesting which would otherwise be boring and difficult in books. By contrast, those who attack TV state that it makes people lazy by doing everything for them. In other words, it stifles rather than stimulates the imagination. To conclude, like many things in life it is up to the individual to use TV wisely or to abuse it and become its slave.

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