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NCERT Solutions Class 9, Social Science, Political Science, Chapter- 1, What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

To learn the fundamentals of this chapter, as well as to prepare for CBSE exams and competitive exams refer to these NCERT Solutions. These solutions have been created by subject matter experts to provide an in-depth analysis of all the concepts covered in this chapter. This study material is based on the most recent CBSE syllabus.

In these NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science, we have discussed all types of NCERT intext questions and exercise questions.

Concepts covered in Class 9 Social Science Political Science, Chapter- 1, What is Democracy? Why Democracy? are :

  • Why define democracy?
  • Features of democracy.
  • Major decisions by elected leaders
  • Free and fair electoral competition
  • One person, one vote, one value one value
  • Rule of la ule of laule of law and r w and respect for rights
  • Debating merits of democr democracy
  • Arguments against democracy
  • Arguments for democracy
  • Broader meanings of democracy

Our NCERT Solutions for Class 9 Social Science provide detailed explanations to assist students with their homework and assignments. Proper command and ample practice of topic-related questions provided by our NCERT solutions is the most effective way to achieve full marks in your exams. Begin studying right away to ace your exams.

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NCERT Solutions Class 9, Social Science, Political Science, Chapter- 1, What is Democracy? Why Democracy?

1. Here is some information about four countries. Based on this information, how would you classify each of these countries. Write ‘democratic’, ‘undemocratic’ or ‘not sure’ against each of these.

(a) Country A: People who do not accept the country’s official religion do not have a right to vote.

(b) Country B: The same party has been winning elections for the last twenty years.

(c) Country C: Ruling party has lost in the last three elections.

(d) Country D: There is no independent election commission.


(a) Undemocratic
(b) Not sure
(c) Democratic
(d) Undemocratic

2. Here is some information about four countries. Based on this information, how would you classify each of these countries. Write ‘democratic’, ‘undemocratic’ or ‘not sure’ against each of these.

(a) Country P: The parliament cannot pass a law about the army without the consent of the Chief of Army.

(b) Country Q: The parliament cannot pass a law reducing the powers of the judiciary.

(c) Country R: The country’s leaders cannot sign any treaty with another country without taking permission from its neighbouring country.

(d) Country S: All the major economic decisions about the country are taken by officials of the central bank which the ministers cannot change.


(a) Undemocratic
(b) Democratic
(c) Undemocratic
(d) Undemocratic

3. Which of these is not a good argument in favour of democracy? Why?

(a) People feel free and equal in a democracy.

(b) Democracies resolve conflict in a better way than others.

(c) Democratic government is more accountable to the people.

(d) Democracies are more prosperous than others.


The argument ‘d’, which states that “Democracies are more prosperous than others”, is not a good argument in favour of democracy. This is because some democracies like India are still developing economically, while monarchies like the states of UAE are economically strong.

4. Each of these statements contains a democratic and an undemocratic element. Write out the two separately for each statement.

(a) A minister said that some laws have to be passed by the parliament in order to conform to the regulations decided by the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

(b) The Election Commission ordered re-polling in a constituency where large-scale rigging was reported.

(c) Women’s representation in the parliament has barely reached 10 per cent. This led women’s organisations to demand one-third seats for women.


(a) Democratic element − some laws have to be passed by the parliament
Undemocratic element − conform to the regulations decided by the World Trade Organisation

(b) Democratic element − the Election Commission ordered re-polling
Undemocratic element − large scale rigging was reported

(c) Democratic element − this led to women’s organisations to demand one third seats for women
Undemocratic element − women’s representation in the parliament has never reached 10 per cent.

5. Which of these is not a valid reason for arguing that there is a lesser possibility of famine in a democratic country?

(a) Opposition parties can draw attention to hunger and starvation.

(b) Free press can report suffering from famine in different parts of the country.

(c) Government fears its defeat in the next elections.

(d) People are free to believe in and practise any religion.


(d) “People are free to believe in and practise any religion” is not a valid reason because there are lesser chances for famine to take place in a democratic country. This is because practicing of religion is not at all related to famine.

6. There are 40 villages in a district where the government has made no provision for drinking water. These villagers met and considered many methods of forcing the government to respond to their need. Which of these is not a democratic method?

(a) Filing a case in the courts claiming that water is part of right to life.

(b) Boycotting the next elections to give a message to all parties.

(c) Organising public meetings against government’s policies.

(d) Paying money to government officials to get water.


(d) Paying money to government officials to get water is an undemocratic method.

7. Write a response to the following arguments against democracy:

(a) Army is the most disciplined and corruption-free organisation in the country. Therefore army should rule the country.

(b) Rule of the majority means the rule of ignorant people. What we need is the rule of the wise, even if they are in small numbers.

(c) If we want religious leaders to guide us in spiritual matters, why not invite them to guide us in politics as well. The country should be ruled by religious leaders.


(a) Though the army the most disciplined and corruption-free organisation in the country, however, it cannot be justified that they should rule the country. Primarily, because they do not form a democratic government i.e. are not elected by the people. Secondarily, people will not be allowed to voice their opinion or expression as all their fundamentals rights would be curtailed. Also, there would be no assurance that the army cannot turn into a ruthful dictator at any point of their rule, making the life of the people difficult. For example, the people of Chile suffered under the rule of General Augusto Pinochet.

(b) Such a thing would be against the principle of the Universal Adult Franchise, wherein every person above the age of 18 yrs in our country irrespective of religion, caste, sex, socio-economic background, etc. has the right to vote. Everyone has the right to participate equally in the formation of the government. Therefore ignoring some sections of society would be unfair. Moreover, wise men need not be necessarily good administrators.

(c) Those who say that the country should be ruled by religious leaders are making a very risky statement. Because in a multi-religious country bringing religion into politics can cause serious conflict among the people. Moreover, religious leaders can bring trouble to the country due to their mutual conflicts of ideologies. Besides, many even do not have any experience in administration. Thus, it is very necessary for them to run their own religious institutions and need not meddle in the political affairs of the country.

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8. Are the following statements in keeping with democracy as a value? Why?

(a) Father to daughter: I don’t want to hear your opinion about your marriage. In our family children marry where the parents tell them to.

(b) Teacher to student: Don’t disturb my concentration by asking me questions in the classroom.

(c) Employee to the officer: Our working hours must be reduced according to the law.


(a) The statement is undemocratic because the girl is not allowed to give her opinion relating to her own marriage. Just as the people have the right to choose their representatives, the girls should also be allowed to have a say in the selection or choice of their husbands.

(b) The statement is undemocratic because the student is not being allowed to speak and ask questions. It is the duty of the teacher to teach and satisfy the queries of the students.

(c) The statement is democratic because it calls for the reduction of working hours according to the law. Employees should enjoy the right to work for fixed hours as fixed by law.  

9. Consider the following facts about a country and decide if you would call it a democracy. Give reasons to support your decision.

(a) All the citizens of the country have right to vote. Elections are held regularly.

(b) The country took loan from international agencies. One of the conditions for giving loan was that the government would reduce its expenses on education and health.

(c) People speak more than seven languages but education is available only in one language, the language spoken by 52 percent people of that country.

(d) Several organisations have given a call for peaceful demonstrations and nation wide strikes in the country to oppose these policies. Government has arrested these leaders.

(e) The government owns the radio and television in the country. All the newspapers have to get permission from the government to publish any news about government’s policies and protests


(a) Two important features of democracy are regular elections and universal adult franchise.

(b) Undemocratic: because it is undemocratic action to reduce expenses at the cost of the people.

(c) The national language can be a single language because such a concept will bring about national integrity but other languages also should be encouraged to cultivate in their respective regions.

(d) Democracy provides people the right to strike or the right to free speech and demonstrations.

(e) A very important part of democracy is the freedom of the press. Therefore, the total control of media shows that there is no freedom of speech and expression and the right to speak against the government.
Thus, though the country is democratic in some manners, it is also undemocratic in some ways.

10. In 2004 a report published in USA pointed to the increasing inequalities in that country. Inequalities in income reflected in the participation of people in democracy. It also shaped their abilities to influence the decisions taken by the government. The report highlighted that:

  • If an average Black family earns $ 100 then the income of average White family is $ 162. A White family has twelve times more wealth than the average Black family
  • In a President’s election ‘nearly 9 out of 10 individuals in families with income over $ 75,000 have voted. These people are the top 20% of the population in terms of their income. On the other hand only 5 people out of 10 from families with income less than $ 15,000 have voted. They are the bottom 20% of the population in terms of their income.
  • About 95% contribution to the political parties comes from the rich. This gives them opportunity to express their opinions and concerns, which is not available to most citizens.
  • As poor sections participate less in politics, the government does not listen to their concerns – coming out of poverty, getting job, education, health care and housing for them. Politicians hear most regularly about the concerns of business persons and the rich.

Write an essay on ‘Democracy and Poverty’ using the information given in this report but using examples from India.


Democracy and Poverty are equally related with each other and the facts mentioned in the report of 2004 in USA clearly indicate that rich people still are more influencing than the poor. In the present date, rich people are the decision makers. All the policies that are being launched are set by their representatives. The poor people or people belonging to the poverty line cannot make any changes in this. If we look at our country the expenses of a general election cannot be afford by a common people and thus most of the political power is wielded by those with money. Poor people of our country work day and night just to complete the needs of their family and earn a livelihood These people fight with hunger not with the policies of the government.

Modern democracy is a form of government run by the rich section of society. The rich control the media and use it for their own benefit. Influence of the rich over politics is clearly visible in the countries like England, USA and India. In India, only rich can contest the election. The poor people are bought and sold. The poor cannot fight elections against the rich and get elected. As a result, the rich influence the government when it takes decisions about the policies. The government formed by the different politicians pays much attention to the interests of the business class and rich sections of the society. As poor people participate less in our Parliamentary democracy, their interests, viz, education, employment, healthcare, housing problems etc are neglected. Our government has taken many Welfare Scheme like Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). The Swarna Jayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY), Indira Awaas Yajona (IAY) etc. But their implementation is far from satisfactory. Like USA and in India different political parties pay more attention to the concerns of the rich who contribute most of their funds.

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