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NCERT Solutions Class 9, English, Beehive, Poem, Chapter "The Duck and the Kangaroo".

To learn the fundamentals of this chapter, as well as to prepare for CBSE exams and competitive exams refer to these NCERT Solutions. These solutions have been created by subject matter experts to provide an in-depth analysis of all the concepts covered in this chapter.This chapter has been dropped from the updated syllabus of CBSE but topics given in chapter are very important. It will help you in analyzing the problems and answering it with precision and the right concepts.

This article aims to explore the significance of NCERT solutions for Class 9 English while offering an in-depth look into their format and practical applications.

In these NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English, we have discussed all types of NCERT intext questions and exercise questions.

Our NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English provide detailed explanations to assist students with their homework and assignments. Proper command and ample practice of topic-related questions provided by our NCERT solutions is the most effective way to achieve full marks in your exams. Begin studying right away to ace your exams.

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NCERT Solutions Class 9, English, Beehive, Poem, Chapter "The Duck and the Kangaroo".

Short answer type questions

1. What did the Duck do for the Kangaroo’s love?


The Duck bought four pairs of worsted socks which fit her web-feet neatly. Moreover she bought a cloak to keep out herself from the cold. She did it for the Kangaroo’s love.

2. Why did she want to have a ride on his back?


She felt her life had become a hell in the pond. She got bored there. So she wanted to see the whole world. But she did not have that capability. So she wanted to take the Kangaroo’s help.

3. How did she express her intention to the Kangaroo?


She spoke to him most respectfully. She made a request to give her a ride so that she could also enjoy life. She promises to cover her wet-feet and smoke a cigar every day to fight against cold.

4. How did the Kangaroo respond to her proposal?


The Kangaroo said that he would have to ponder over this request. He first raised an objection and later agreed to her request. He thought that it might bring him good luck. So he accepted her proposal to give her a ride on his back.

5. How did the Duck ride on the Kangaroo’s back?


The Duck sat steady at the end of his tail. So that his balance might be maintained. She sat without speaking anything and hopped the world three times. She followed the instructions given by the Kangaroo and sat there without making any movement.

6. What request did the Duck make to the Kangaroo and why?


The Duck was pleasantly surprised at the way the Kangaroo hopped. It hopped effortlessly over the fields and the water. It looked as if he would never stop. Her life in the pond was very boring. She longed to go beyond the limited world of the pond. She wished to hop around like him. She requested him to give a ride on his back.

7. What promise did the Duck make to the Kangaroo and what did she assure him during the ride?


The Duck requested the Kangaroo to let her ride on his back. She promised to behave quite decently during the ride. She would sit silently without making a noise. She would say nothing but ‘Quack’. She assured him of her good conduct. They would hop over the land and the sea together.

8. What one objection did the Kangaroo make while responding favourably to the Duck’s request?


The Kangaroo responded rather favourably to the Duck’s request. He was ready to allow her ride on his back. He expressed one objection. Her feet were ‘unpleasantly wet and cold’. This wetness and cold might give some pain in his joints.

 9. What preparations did the Duck make to keep out the wetness and cold of her feet?


The Duck gave a serious consideration over the matter. She bought four pairs of worsted socks that would fit her web-feet neatly. She also bought a cloak to keep out the cold. And every day she would smoke a cigar. She would do all such things out of her love towards the Kangaroo.

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