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NCERT Solutions Class 9, English, Moments(Supplementary Reader), Chapter- 6, Weathering the Storm in Ersama.

To gain a solid grasp of this chapter and ensure thorough readiness for CBSE exams and competitive tests, it is highly advisable to refer to these NCERT Solutions. Expertly designed by subject specialists, these solutions provide an in-depth exploration of all the essential concepts covered in this chapter. They are precisely tailored to align with the current CBSE syllabus, making them invaluable for comprehensive preparation.

This article aims to explore the significance of NCERT solutions for Class 9 English while offering an in-depth look into their format and practical applications.

In these NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English, we have discussed all types of NCERT intext questions and exercise questions.

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NCERT Solutions Class 9, English, Moments(Supplementary Reader), Chapter- 6, Weathering the Storm in Ersama.


1. What havoc has the super cyclone wreaked in the life of the people of Orissa?


The cyclone brought heavy rains and strong winds. As a result, majority of the houses had blown away and only the strong cement houses were spared. Dirty water covered the land as far as the eye could see. Many people lost their lives. There were floating human bodies and bloated animal carcasses all around. Even the strongest of the trees had been uprooted. The scenes were gruesome. Many people lost their relatives and many children had become orphans. There was shortage of food. People were sad and helpless and a pall of gloom had descended on the people all around.

2. How has Prashant, a teenager, been able to help the people of his village?


On reaching his village, Prashant found deplorable conditions all around him. He had leadership qualities so he took the initiative to rehabilitate people. He made a team of young volunteers and cleaned urine, filth, vomit and floating carcasses. His team was fully dedicated to serve others. He persuaded grief-stricken women to look after children. In this way he became a ray of hope for all.

3. How have the people of the community helped one another? What role do the women of Kalikuda play during these days?


Prashant took the initiative and mobilised everyone to help one another. In this time of distress the people of the community joined hands together and started relief work. Women started working in the food for work programme and looked after the orphans.

4. Why do Prashant and other volunteers resist the plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows? What alternatives do they consider?


The plan to set up institutions for orphans and widows was resisted because it was believed that in such institutions children will grow up without love and affection and widows would suffer from stigma and loneliness. Instead, Prashant and his group suggested that the children and widows should be resettled in their own community where they can get a homely environment. They suggested setting up of foster families made up of childless widows and children without adult care.

5. Do you think Prashant is a good leader? Do you think young people can get together to help people during natural calamities?


Yes, Prashant is a very good leader. Though he himself was too grief-stricken, he got a hold of himself and decided to step in as the leader of the village. He carried out his role effectively and helped the people of his village in every possible manner.

Yes. Young people can definitely get together to help people during natural calamities and otherwise. They can use their strength and vigour to help people.


Talk about the preparedness of the community for a natural disaster.

(You can talk about evacuation plans and rehabilitation; permanent safe shelters; warning systems; relief efforts; building materials to withstand cyclone/flood/earthquake, i.e. safe housing; peoples’ organisation of their own rescue; the survival instinct, etc.)


We are the part of community. Natural calamities may occur any time. We have witnessed many such natural disasters which caused devastation all around. Occurence of such calamities is not under our control but to prepare ourselves to face such devastation is under our control. If precautions are taken timely, the effects of such calamities may be reduced. For this purpose we should adopt the following points and discuss them :

  • Evacuation plans
  • Rehabilitation process
  • Permanent safe shelters
  • Warning systems
  • Relief efforts
  • Building materials to withstand cyclone/ flood/earthquake
  • People’s organisation of their own rescue
  • The survival instinct etc.

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