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in History by (56.8k points)
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 Describe the political, social and economic life of the Egyptian Civilization.

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The early Egyptians settled into villages, which developed into cities and later the City States were formed. They were ruled by Kings. This is known as the pre-dynastic period. These Kings were engaged in inter City – State quarrels. Stronger City – States showed their supremacy and started taking over other weaker City – States. This made way to the birth of Kingdoms. Different dynasties ruled these Kingdoms. About 30 dynasties have ruled Egypt for more than 3000 years. No dynasty survived for more then 6-7 generations.

The Egyptian Kings were called ‘Pharaohs’. They were considered as representatives of God on earth, hence enjoyed unlimited power. The Pharaoh ‘Menes’, united south and north Egypt in around 3000 B.C.E and made Memphis as his capital. The strong central government with absolute monarchy, a well controlled administration and strict implementation of laws were the basic features of Egyptian polity. 

The rule of dynasties can be divided into 3 phases. 

1. The Period of Old Kingdom. 

2. The Period of Middle Kingdom. 

3. The Period of New Kingdom.

The Period of Old Kingdom: It is also known as the Period of Pyramids. The Pharaohs of this period were very strong. There was a council of elders to advise the King, whose advice was not binding on the King. Pharaohs appointed Vizir, the Prime Minister who headed the Administration, Justice and Treasury. The Local officers maintained the records and the accounts.

The Period of Middle Kingdom: It is also known as the period of Feudal Lords. During this period, Lords became more powerful  than the Pharaohs. It led to many internal wars and anarchy. The authority of Pharaohs was restored by Amen Hotep I.

The Period of New Kingdom: During the new Kingdom, the Kings raised a powerful army and built a very strong Empire. Thutmose I conquered new territories and expanded the Empire. His daughter, Hatshepsut succeeded him. She was the first Empress in the history of the world. She ruled for twenty one years.

Egyptians developed pictographic writing. It is one of the earliest forms of writing. Egyptian writing is called Hieroglyphics. Glyph means a sign. Hieroglyphics contains hundreds of signs. Some of them stand for complete words while others represent sounds. Papyrus was used for writing. ‘The Books of Dead’, ‘Coffin Text’, ‘The Story of Ship wrecked Sailor’, ‘The tales of Anupu and Bitiu’, etc., were the important books of that era.

Egyptians had a fair knowledge of Medicine, Geometry, Calendars, Astronomy and Mathematics. Most of the scholars of ancient Egypt belonged to the priestly class. The construction of huge pyramids proves beyond doubt that Egyptians had sound knowledge of Geometry and Arithmetic. They were the first to develop the fraction system. They made a clear distinction between stars and planets. Their calendar was based on sun and known as solar calendar. They developed the calendar of 3 65 days with 12 months in a year and 30 days in a month. They divided the year into three seasons of four months each. About 1500 B.C.E, they invented the Shadow Clock to mark the times of a day. A specimen of such an Egyptian shadow clock is preserved in the Berlin Museum.

Egyptians were great builders. They developed fine arts. Their arts and architecture reflected their culture. They built temples for their Gods and Pyramids to bury their Kings. These are the proofs of a well organized and highly skilled artists, craftsmen and labourers. The Sphinx has the head of a man and body of a lion. Emperor Khaphre got it carved. It is 240 feet long and 66 feet high, carved out of a single stone.

The pyramid of Giza is the tomb of King Khufu. It is one of heaviest structures ever built. It was built by his son and grandson. It is the biggest pyramid, 746 x 746 and 481 ft high 23,00,000 stone blocks of average 2.5 ton weight were used in its construction. It occupies 13 acres of area. A million slaves worked for 20 years to complete it. It had a magnificent entrance. The road in front of it was lined with 365 statues of Sphinxes and two tall Obelisks stood on either side of the main road. During festive seasons the statues of Gods were paraded through the doors into the temple. There are more than 90 smaller Pyramids, still standing after 4000 years of their construction. The Pyramids are fine examples of the outstanding technical knowledge and sound administrative ability of the ancient Egyptians.

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