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in History by (50.2k points)

Describe the features of non-Aligned movement.

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by (56.8k points)
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The features of Non-Aligned Countries are as given below. 

1. Economic Backwardness: Non-Aligned Countries are economically backward. These countries have primitive Agriculture and weak industries. Hence the national production and per capita income of these countries are very low. 

2. Dependence on others: Non-Aligned Countries are too backward in the field of Science, Technology and Military and are dependent on developed countries for assistance. 

3. Rural Structure: Non-Aligned Countries comprise of more number of villages. Many villages are deprived of basic necessities. These countries are lagging behind since they are far away from urbanization. 

4. Over population: Population is increasing because of poverty, illiteracy, superstitions etc., The Governments have failed in checking the growth of population. Programmes relating to population control introduced by the Governments have not realised the expected level of exposure and enlightenment, due to the disinterest of the people and improper strategies. Increasing population is the cause of economic backwardness.

5. Poverty and Hunger: Poverty is a serious problem among the Non-Aligned Countries. There is a shortage of food grains in these countries. They are dependent on the developed countries for food grains. Majority of Africa lives in poverty. Non-Aligned countries are victims of poverty because of natural calamities, migration, internal clashes, unscientific utilization of natural resources etc. countries like Nigeria, Somalia, Uganda, Haiti, Angola, and Ethiopia are unable to provide nutritious food.

6. Spread of Epidemics: Negligence of Health is evident in the Non-Aligned Countries. Hence epidemics are spreading in these countries. There is scarcity of health services. The most dreaded disease AIDS is on the rise in these countries. 

7. Illiteracy: The Educational development policies of Non-Aligned Countries have failed. The number of illiterates has increased. Literacy is very low in the African countries and that among women is almost negligible. Asian countries are only slightly better in this respect.

8. Burden of Debt: Most of the Non-Aligned Countries are reeling under foreign debt. It is inevitable for them to borrow loans from world economic institutions for their internal development plans. They have been forced to borrow new loans to repay the old loans and interests on them. This has a spiralling effect and these countries go bankrupt.

9. Migration: From most of the third world countries, especially Africa, people move out to safer places in the developed countries for better employment, food and self protection. This depletes the countries’effective work force.

10. Water scarcity, unstable Governments and lack of modern military force are common in Non-Aligned countries.

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