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in Electric Circuit by (61.2k points)

What is potential gradient? On which factors potential gradient depends?

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by (57.3k points)
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Principle of Potentiometer:

Potentiometer: Potentiometer is a apparatus with help of which the e.m.f. of a cell and potential difference can be measured accurately.

Principle: Suppose AB is a resistance of uniform area of cross section and length LAB- If a standard cell of emf E and negligible internal resistance is connected across the ends of wire A and B with the help of connection wires of negligible resistance, then the potential difference across the wire will be E. Therefore potential gradient.
k = \(\frac{E}{L_{A B}}\) ……………. (1)
If we consider a point C at a distance l from A, then
VAC = kl ………….. (2)
Now if a cell of unknown emf E’ is connected between A and C as shown in the figure, then the deflection in galvanometer will depend on the fact that whether VAC > E’ or E’ > VAC. When VAC = E’, then galvanometer will show no deflection. This fact can be understood well with the help of following equivalent circuit between A and C. This is null position galvanometer.

E’ = VAC
or E’ = kl ………………… (3)
This is the principle of potentiometer.
If E’ > E, then galvanometer will show the deflection in one direction only. In this situation the measurement of E’ is not possible.
If the resistance of potentiometer wire is RAB and the current is I then from the ohm’s law
E = IRAB ……………… (4)
From the equation (1)
k = \(\frac{I R_{A B}}{L_{A B}}\)
Let \(\frac{R_{A B}}{L_{A B}}\) = Density of wire is represented by the ρ
∴ k = ρI ……………… (5)
The circuit diagram for potential gradient

The potential gradient

Value of potential gradient under different conditions: .
Case 1: When only the battery of negligible internal resistance is connected to potentiometer.
∴ r = 0 and Rh = 0
From the equation (8)

Case 2: When the battery of internal resistance (r) is connected to the potentiometer

Case 3: When a some other resistance or rheostat of resistance (Rh) is connected in series with the battery in the circuit of potentiometer. Then the potential gradient is calculated by equation (8).

k = \( \left(\frac{E}{R_{A B}+r+R_{h}}\right) \times \frac{R_{A B}}{L_{A B}}\)

Factors effecting the value of potential gradient:
From the equation (5)

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