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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in English Grammar by (39.0k points)
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Read the following letter and choose the most suitable alternative from those given. Underline your choice. Sometimes more than one alternative is suitable.

Dear Mohan

It was lovely to get your letter and to hear the good news that you are going trekking with your friends. You (ought to/ would/ should) have a break after your exams! You ask me what you (can/ should. will) take. Well, you (might/ can't/ mustn't) fit everything in a backpack so you must be selective. You (will/ can/ must) take at least one sweater because it (ought to/ should/ can) get very cold in the mountains. You (needn't/ could/ should) pack a gas stove because there (could/ may/ will) be plenty of firewood from dead trees.

I'm sure you will have a wonderful time but I (may/ would/ should) give you a word of warning. Don't get stuck in the Lak:i Pass at night. Once you're there you (won't be able to/ can't be able to/ not to able to) get down and it's very dangerous at night. By the way, you (should/ should have to/ should have) told me earlier that you were going and I (should have/ would have/ will have) given you my walking boots!

Anyway, look after yourself and enjoy your holiday.

With love

1 Answer

+1 vote
by (39.4k points)
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Best answer

Dear Mohan

It was lovely to get your letter and to hear the good news that you are going trekking with your friends. You (ought to/ would/ should) have a break after your exams! You ask me what you (can/ should. will) take. Well, you (might/ can't/ mustn't) fit everything in a backpack so you must be selective. You (will/ can/ must) take at least one sweater because it (ought to/ should/ can) get very cold in the mountains. You (needn't/ could/ should) pack a gas stove because there (could/ may/ will) be plenty of firewood from dead trees.

I'm sure you will have a wonderful time but I (may/ would/ should) give you a word of warning. Don't get stuck in the Lak:i Pass at night. Once you're there you (won't be able to/ can't be able to/ not to able to) get down and it's very dangerous at night. By the way, you (should/ should have to/ should have) told me earlier that you were going and I (should have/ would have/ will have) given you my walking boots!

Anyway, look after yourself and enjoy your holiday.

With love

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