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JEE MAIN 2025 Foundation Course
NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in Business Studies by (50.9k points)
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Inspired by the success of Chandrayaan-3, the Chief Scientist at 'Space Rover' a private research group, decided to send some innovative ideas regarding the mission to the Chief Scientist of Chandrayaan-3.

The Chief Scientist at 'Space Rover' formed four groups for the same. As it was an intellectual activity of thinking rather than doing, these four groups started interacting with each other and friendships developed. On the basis of their interaction and friendship, some members from each group formed 'Entertainment Through Reading' group which showed conformity in terms of their interest. 'Entertainment Through Reading' group had no written rules, was unstable in form and scope and had no fixed lines of communication. The members of this group enhanced the morale of each other, enjoyed drinking coffee together, read books, served different issues of their work areas and provided support to each other. Ultimately this group developed some innovative ideas which were sent by 'Space Rover' to the Chief Scientist of Chandrayaan-3. Though this group was formed for recreation but it contributed towards fulfillment of organisational objectives.

(a) Identify and explain the type of organization which emerged as Entertainment Through Reading'.

(b) State any three advantages of the type of organisation identified in (a) above.

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by (48.4k points)
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(a) The type of organization that emerged as "Entertainment Through Reading" is an informal organization. An informal organization arises spontaneously within a formal organization, based on social relationships, common interests, and shared values among its members. In this case, the members of 'Space Rover' formed the "Entertainment Through Reading" group based on their shared interest in reading and recreational activities. This group did not have formal rules, structure, or communication channels, but it played a significant role in fostering camaraderie, collaboration, and idea generation among its members.

(b) Three advantages of informal organizations like "Entertainment Through Reading" are:

  1. Enhanced Morale: Informal organizations boost morale among employees by providing them with opportunities for social interaction, support, and camaraderie. In the case of 'Space Rover', the members of the "Entertainment Through Reading" group enjoyed spending time together, which helped in enhancing their morale and job satisfaction.

  2. Improved Communication: Informal organizations facilitate open communication and information sharing among employees. Members of the "Entertainment Through Reading" group at 'Space Rover' interacted freely with each other, exchanging ideas, discussing work-related issues, and providing support, which contributed to improved communication within the organization.

  3. Increased Creativity and Innovation: Informal organizations often serve as breeding grounds for creativity and innovation. In the case of 'Space Rover', the "Entertainment Through Reading" group provided a platform for members to share ideas, brainstorm, and collaborate on innovative solutions, leading to the development of novel ideas that were ultimately beneficial for the organization's objectives.

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