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in English by (22.2k points)
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NCERT Solutions Class 9, English, Beehive, Poem, Chapter- 1, The Road Not taken.

To learn the fundamentals of this chapter, as well as to prepare for CBSE exams and competitive exams refer to these NCERT Solutions. These solutions have been created by subject matter experts to provide an in-depth analysis of all the concepts covered in this chapter. It will help you in analyzing the problems and answering it with precision and the right concepts.

This article explains why NCERT solutions for Class 9 English are important. It also looks closely at how they are structured and how students can use them effectively to learn and apply their knowledge.

In these NCERT Solutions for Class 9 English, we have discussed all types of NCERT intext questions and exercise questions.

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by (22.2k points)
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NCERT Solutions Class 9, English, Beehive, Poem, Chapter- 1, The Road Not taken.

Thinking about the Poem

I. 1. Where does the traveller find himself? What problem does he face?


The traveller finds himself at a point where two roads diverge. His problem is to decide on which road he should walk.

2. Discuss what these phrases mean to you.

(i) a yellow wood

Solution: A forest in the autumn season.

(ii) it was grassy and wanted wear


The road was grassy because it was a less travelled road. It wanted people to move on it.

(iii) the passing there

Solution: It implies walking on the road.

(iv) leaves no step had trodden black

Solution: It means the leaves had not been crushed under the feet of travellers.

(v) how way leads on to way

Solution: How one road leads to another?

3. Is there any difference between the two roads as the poet describes them

(i) in stanzas two and three?


There is no difference between the two roads in stanzas two and three

(ii) in the last two lines of the poem?


In the last two lines of the poem the poet tells that the road he opted for is less travelled.

4. What do you think the last two lines of the poem mean? (Looking back, does the poet regret his choice or accept it?)


The last two lines of the poem mean the acceptance of reality. The poet made a choice and accepted the challenging path. He took and unexplored path in his life. He wanted to do something different in his life so he chooses the less travelled road. No he does not regret his choice.


1. Have you ever had to make a difficult choice (or do you think you will have difficult choices to make)? How will you make the choice (for what reasons)?


No, till now I have never been in a situation in which I had to make a difficult choice. Perhaps I am still too young to make an independent choice. Yes, I think later or sooner I will have difficult choices to make. After completing my general education, I will have to make choice of profession whether I should become and engineer or doctor or something else. I will have hundreds of option before me. Then it will be difficult to make a choice in between them. I will make choice according to my capabilities and strong points at that time. I will choose a path that gives me satisfaction and mental peace. I will not join the rat race for money. Like the poet in poem, I will choose a challenging and unexplored path in my life.

2. After you have made a choice do you always think about what might have been, or do you accept the reality?


Taking a decision sometime make or mars our future. Having made a choice, I accept the reality. Reconsidering a decision or contemplating over it is not a positive approach towards life. Such thoughts never allow us to be happy with what we have gained from our decision. Therefore, I believe in sticking to my decisions.

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