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NEET 2025 Foundation Course
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in History by (47.0k points)

Mark any five of the following historical places on the outline map of India provided to you and add an explonatory note on each marked place in two sentences: 

1. Takshashila, 

2. Calcutta, 

3. Dandi 

4. Devagiri, 

5. Kanchi, 

6. Badami 

7. Srirangapattana, 

8. Bijapura

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1. Taxila (Takshashila): It was the capital of the Gandhara Province now in Pakistan. Takshashila University was an important educational centre in ancient India. Kautilya(Chanukya) was a teacher in this University. 

2. Calcutta: It is the capital of West Bengal, situated on the banks of river Hoogli. Calcutta was the first Capital of the British, in India. Swami Vivekanada established the Ramakrishna Mission at Belur near Calcutta.

3. Dandi: Dandi is a coastal town in Gujarat. Mahatma Gandhi launched his famous Dandi March in 1930. Gandhi and his followers collected seawater and made salt and deliberately violated the salt law.

4. Devagiri: It is in Maharastra. Alla-ud-din-Khilji led many expeditions on Devagiri. Mohammad-Bin-Tughalak shifted his capital from Delhi to Devagiri for a short while. Devagiri was renamed as Daulatabad.

5. Kanchi (Kanchipuram): It is near Chennai in TamilNadu. It was the capital of the Pallavas. The city is famous for Shaiva and Vaishanava temples. The famous Kamakshi temple is located here.

6. Badami: The early name of Badami was Vatapi and it was the capital of the Chalukyas. It is famous for rock-cut cave temples. It is in Bagalkote district of Karnataka.

7. Srirangapattana: It is located on the banks of river Cauvery and is in the Mandya district. It was the capital of the early Wodeyars of Mysore, Hyder Ali and Tippu sultan. The town contains many historical monuments like the Fort, Daria Daulat place, Lalbag, Tombs of Hyder and Tjppu, Ranganatha Temple, etc.

8. Bijapura (Vijapura) : It was the capital of Adil Shahis. Monuments like Golgumbaz, Ibrahim Rauza, Asar Mahal, Barakaman, etc are found here.

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