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in Going Out for a Walk by (30.7k points)
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There is a poem ‘Ode on Solitude’ by Alexander Pope. What is the poet trying to convey through the poem? Make a comparative analysis of this poem with Wordsworth’s ‘To sleep’.

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by (32.9k points)
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In his poem ‘Ode on Solitude’, Alexander defines a happy man. A happy man has a lot of land. He does not have to go out looking for any job. He has milk from his cattle, bread from his fields and dress (wool) from his sheep. The trees give him shade in the summer and in the winter he makes fire with the wood from those trees. He has health in body and peace in mind. He sleeps soundly at night. He uses his life for study and recreation. He is a good man and spends time in meditation. The poet wants to live like him. He does not want to be famous. He wants to quietly go away from life unlamented. He does not even want any memorial stone raised on his tomb.

The poem To sleep’ by William Wordsworth, who is known as the high priest of Nature, is an exquisite poem that presents to us some of the finest sights, sounds and movements of Nature. We can see a flock of sheep leisurely passing by one after one; we can the sound of rain and the murmuring of bees. We can hear the fall of rivers, winds and seas. We can see the smooth fields, white sheets of water and pure sky. We also hear the melodies of small birds coming from the orchard trees. We hear the cuckoo’s melancholy cry. The poet can’t sleep. Maybe he is worried about the bad things happened during the past. In fact he has not slept for a couple of days and this makes him all the more worried. If he does not sleep he won’t be able to enjoy the wonderful signs and sounds of the morning. Sleep brings fresh thoughts and joyous health.

Both are exquisite poems. While Pope describes the things needed for a man to be happy, Wordsworth is more interested in presenting the beautiful sights, sounds and movements of Nature. In both poems ‘Sleep’ is an essential element for happiness. Only a happy man can have a sound sleep. The reverse is also true. Only a sound sleep can make a man happy. Sleep and happiness are complementary.

Between the two I prefer the poem by Wordsworth. The imagery there is far better. Both poems have good rhythm and rhyme. There are instances of alliterations and assonances in both and they increase the melodious quality. There are excellent figures of speeches, especially personification. Both poems have a grave mood. Nothing funny, nothing light hearted. Both are philosophical poems. I do not agree with the idea of Pope of a man going away from this world quietly, unknown, not even leaving behind him a tombstone for posterity to remember him.

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