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What are special Checks? Explain any five in brief.

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by (47.7k points)
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Special checks are made in some special instance in F&B operations and it has to be signed by supervisor or manager.

Accident Check: These are made out when some accident occurs like a dish gets dropped, the food would need to be replaced without any extra charge to the guest, a special checks needs to be completed, headed “Accident” showing the number of portions to be replaced. The check is counter signed by the supervisor or manager.

No Charge Check: Sometimes, a dish may need ingredients like alcohol for finishing a dish. Such ingredients need to be issued from other outlets, without a separate charge to the guest. In such cases an NC KOT is made.

It can also be made at instances when the senior management entertains guest On prior information. These checks are counter signed by the outlet manager.

Duplicate Check: In such situations when a check for some reason gets misplaced, the customer Cannot be kept waiting, another check is made with the word duplicate inked boldly on top. The head waiter or Manager’s signature is essential to prevent dishonest use.

Return Check: The control system generally does not allow refund or cancellation of dishes once charged and served. However, in certain cases if a commodity has to be returned for a valid reason, another check is made out marked by “Return” and counter signed by the manager for authenticity.

En place Check: On a fixed menu, sometimes guests wish to have a slight change in the dishes Here a check is made written boldly “Enplace”. Even when no monetary change is involved yet it needs the counter sign of the head waiter.

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